Oversight Board

About the Oversight Board 

Fiscal oversight of the Napa/Solano Area Agency on Aging is the primary responsibility of the Oversight Board.  The Board meets monthly to review fiscal documents and service units.  The Oversight Board advises the N/S AAA and approves service provider contracts. 

The Oversight Board meets the fourth Monday of each month from 10:00 - 12:00 PM.  Meetings are held alternatively in Napa County and Solano County in the Board of Supervisors Chambers.  


Joelle Gallagher, Chairperson, Napa
Monica Brown, Vice Chairperson, Solano


Liz Alessio, Napa
Beatryce Clark, Solano
Ryan Gregory, Napa Alternate
Alma Hernandez, Solano Alternate
Ronald Kott, Solano
Delphine Metcalf-Foster, Solano Alternate
David Oro, Napa Alternate
Mary Palmer, Napa
Steve Sillen, Solano
Wanda Williams, Solano Alternate

Oversight Board Meetings

Meeting are held the fourth Monday of the month from 10-12 p.m.  Below is the 2024 meeting schedule.  Meetings are cancelled when there is no business before the Board.

January 22 -- Napa County
February 26 -- Solano County
March 25 -- Napa County
April 22 -- Solano County 
May -- Cancelled  
June 24 -- Cancelled
July 22 -- Cancelled
August 26 -- Cancelled
September 23 -- Napa County 
October 28 -- Solano County 
November 25 -- Cancelled
December 9 -- Solano County